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Lambeth Made Community: Tulse Hill Ward

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Update: March 4 meeting will be on Zoom

Dear Residents,

We hope you remain well and staying safe as we enter what will hopefully be the final months of lockdown.

We have recently switched from using Teams for our virtual Lambeth Made Community meetings to Zoom. We have done this because it allows for the smoother running of meetings and is more user-friendly. As with Teams, when you click on the Zoom link for the next Tulse Hill meeting on Thursday 4 March you will be automatically directed to the Zoom app if you already have it, or else you will be prompted to download it.

Click here to join the meeting on March 4 .

We look forward to seeing you then,

Lambeth Made Community team

Posted on 24th February 2021

by Lambeth Made Community

Agenda for forum meeting on March 4

If you are thinking of attending the meeting on Thursday 4 March, we'd like to ask you to consider the following questions as good starting points for what the forum will hopefully be able to address:

- How can we make these forums open and accessible to all?

- What would make you feel safer in your ward?

- How can we work together better to help people in Tulse Hill?

- What opportunities, related to our resilience and safety, are there in Tulse Hill that we should support and promote?

- What challenges do we need to talk about now to make sure it doesn’t become a problem in the future?

Thank you for your time and we look forward to meeting you on March 4.

Posted on 27th January 2021

by Lambeth Made Community

Lambeth Made Community meeting in Tulse Hill on March 4

Dear Residents,

I’d like to wish you a happy new year: as we all know, these are challenging times and in this climate we are planning another Lambeth Made Community meeting in your ward for you to discuss community resilience and safety.

The meeting will be held online from 6pm to 7.30pm on Thursday 4 March and is a chance to discuss issues affecting Tulse Hill ward.

Join the meeting on Zoom by clicking here .

This website is also a place to flag up to us specific issues in your ward. Just go to the Map page and drop a pin to tell us about your concerns.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting, Cllr Jacqui Dyer, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Skills and Community Safety

Posted on 27th January 2021

by Cllr Jacqui Dyer

Lambeth Made Community meetings launch in Tulse Hill ward

Lambeth Council has launched new Lambeth Made Community meetings so that residents, organisations and councillors in every ward in the borough can build bonds, better share information, discuss how to address key issues and meet local needs.

The new ward-based forums started last month in Vassall ward and on the Angell Town estate, and have a particular focus on community safety issues including domestic violence, crime affecting young people and neighbourhood policing in support of the borough wide public health approach to tackling serious youth violence.

Community involvement in the cross-borough partnership project to tackle violence against young people, Lambeth Made Safer, is essential. The new Lambeth Made Community meetings will help meet that important aim, as well as present local people, organisations and councillors to discuss other hyperlocal concerns.

Cllr Jacqui Dyer, Lambeth Council’s cabinet member for Jobs, Skills and Community Safety leads the council’s work with the community, the police, our partners and the Mayor of London to combat crime in Lambeth. Her role includes addressing youth violence, community safety, crime reduction programmes, tackling violence against women and girls and tackling anti-social behaviour and hate crime.

Cllr Dyer said: “We really believe in the strength of our communities and the value of the local bonds that tie our neighbourhoods together. The goodwill, dedication and passion people in Lambeth have shown in very quickly stepping up and supporting their local communities during the coronavirus crisis has been incredible.

“We now need to build on that community spirit. We know that dealing with big social issues can be daunting, be that structural discrimination, economic disadvantage or tackling serious youth violence. But by creating these new Lambeth Made Community meetings we can start to break down the issues and look at the very real day to day impact on people’s lives.

“Not only are our residents willing to step up, but as a council we can bring community organisations, our public sector partners like the police and NHS and ward councillors to the table to share information, insight and resource to address issues at very local levels. We must to work together to find solutions.”

The first Lambeth Made Community meeting in Tulse Hill ward takes place on Thursday, August 20. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic the meeting will be held via Microsoft teams from 6pm to 8pm.

Cllr Dyer said: “We are holding these meetings at a time that we hope will allow a fair representation across our different communities. We also want as many community leaders, voluntary and community sector partners, parents and young people as possible to take part.”

Posted on 23rd July 2020

by Cllr Jacqui Dyer